Career Coaching

Invest in yourself in 2024.

How to know if private
coaching is for you:

  • You’re ready to make a big impact but you’re afraid of burning out

  • You know you deserve a better title and a bigger paycheck

  • Your last review was less than stellar and you’re not sure how to move forward now

  • Impostor syndrome keeps holding you back, no matter what results you deliver year after year

  • You need a supportive partner to help you make smart moves that matter

  • You have career questions that no one else has been able to answer

My approach


Proven techniques based on 30 years of corporate success


Framework-based coaching for the right blend of structure and flexibility


Possibility-focused approach to claim your dreams and make them a reality

What people are saying about working with me:

“You have a knack for knowing exactly what someone needs to hear and helping them be a better version of themselves.”

“You know how to build people up, recognize their strengths, and help them be their best selves.”

“Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, even if I didn’t know it consciously. Afterward I would always think, damn, she’s good!”

Just a few ways we can work together.

  • Designing Your Career

    Do you know what you want from your work? Do you know how to get it? Let’s work together to define what really drives you and how to design the path to get you there.

  • Getting Promoted

    Ready to get ahead but not sure how to make it happen? My Get Promoted framework has all the tools you need to get what you deserve.

  • Avoiding Burnout

    If you don’t have the luxury of leaving your job, but you know you need a new strategy, we can build that together. I’ll help you get ahead without losing yourself in the process.

  • CEO and Leadership Coach

    I’m a former Fortune 100 executive with 30 years of award-winning leadership and coaching experience. In my journey from Admin to Exec, I’ve worked with some of the world’s biggest brands, from Wall Street to the Googleplex. But my favorite work is coaching others to succeed!

Meet your coach

Decide that 2024 is the year you invest in yourself.